Majorityrights News > Category: That Question Again

Top ISIL Propaganda Chief and Other Nonwhite Terrorists Arrested in Italy

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 02 April 2018 11:04.

New Observer, “Top ISIL Propaganda Chief and Other Nonwhite Terrorists Arrested in Italy”, 29 Mar 2018:

A Moroccan identified as one of ISIL’s top propaganda chiefs in Italy has been arrested in Turin, along with a number of other nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees in a series of anti-terrorist raids conducted throughout that country, according to reports in the Italian media.


According to a report in the RAI news service, 23-year-old Moroccan-origin Elmahdi Halili stands accused of producing the first ISIS propaganda text in Italian and participating in the broader “terrorist association of the Islamic State.”

The investigation by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office “expanded to the hubs of the Islamic State throughout northern Italy,” the report added, inadvertently revealing the full extent of the nonwhite invasion of that region.

At least 13 premises were searched, and, according to the report, at least 50 known ISIS militants are currently at large in Italy. A further five nonwhites were arrested along with Halili yesterday, the report continued.

Earlier, the Egyptian-origin president of the “Al Dawa” Islamic center in Foggia, Abdel Rahman, was also arrested after his propaganda texts called on Muslims to “slaughter the infidels.”

Another text issued by Rahman called on Muslims to “fight the unbelievers, with your swords cut off their heads, with your explosive belts you blow their heads up in the air. It is necessary to break the skulls of the unbelievers and drink their blood to get victory.”

There have already been four arrests and two expulsions in the province of Foggia during anti-terrorism investigations, a report added.

On May 19, 2017, Italian police arrested Kamel Sadraoui, a 34-year-old Tunisian on charges of promoting terrorism, while on July 8, a 38-year-old Chechen in Foggia, Eli Bombataliev, was arrested on similar charges.

On December 15, 2017, police arrested an Algerian national, Yacine Gasry, at the railway station of Foggia, on charges of providing logistical support to Algerian terrorist groups.


* Meanwhile, this past week in Britain saw the jailing of an Iraqi invader pretending to be an “asylum seeker” for bombing an London Underground train.

Ahmed Hassan, who claimed to be 18—but who was obviously far older, as the judge noted, was convicted of attempted murder after the device partially detonated at Parsons Green, west London, in September last year.

“Your desire and intention that morning was to kill as many members of the British public as possible,” Mr Justice Haddon-Cave told Hassan. “I am satisfied that you were determined to cause as much death and carnage as possible.”

More than 50 people were injured when a fireball swept through the carriage, burning passengers’ skin, hair and clothing, or suffered crush injuries as people fell over each other while trying to escape.

Hassan had made his way to Britain via Istanbul, Paris and Calais, entering the country in October 2015 as a stowaway in the back of a truck.

Massacre of My Lai, Vietnam, life, land, expresses incitement against White male being/midtdasein

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 30 March 2018 13:13.

My Lai Vietnam massacre and the massive, general destruction of life and land - agent orange poisoning and remnant, unexploded munitions: manifestation of didactic incitement against White male being/midtdasein.

Fifty years ago, on 16 March 2018, U.S. soldiers attacked the Vietnamese village

- My Lai Massacre. The GI Resistance Continues: Vietnam Vets Return to My Lai - Vet Activists Discuss the My Lai Massacre and the profound after effects of the war, bombing, agent orange.


As Kumiko Predicted: Bolton appointed to Alt-Lite/Right/Trump Admin coalition w Israel. Next up Iran

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 25 March 2018 11:55.

As Kumiko predicted, anti-Iranian war monger John Bolton has been appointed National Security Advisor - an integral position to the implementation of US wars - consummating the Trump administration’s raison d’être for an Alt-Lite/Right/Trump admin coalition with Israel, aimed first of all to undo the Iran deal and to prepare for war against Iran in a new generation of operation of “clean break” ...the ultimate goal of this Alt-Right/Jewish alliance/coordination (against left ethno-nationalism) is an imperial feudalistic (exploitative) relationship with as much of Asia and the third world as possible.

It’s time to return the National Security Council to where its been..

A lot of people have said to me, they’ve said, Jack, if you go back and look at my tweets….

Folks, it’s time for America first, it’s time for an America first foreign policy…

I’ve been on the Bolton train, ‘guilty as charged’

I have been on the Bolton train for almost a year and a half now.

And during the transition period I was saying I want Bolton.

And I was saying we need Bolton, get Bolton in there.

Related: These Are White Nationalists? What Is Behind TRS And The Alt-Right’s Gushing Effusion For Trump? Trump’s campaign was initiated in his agreement to dismantle the Iran Deal on Israel’s behalf. David Duke used to sternly caution against candidates who threatened to take Israel’s side against Iran.

And they were saying Jack, ‘I don’t know, he’s kind of neocon, he’s kind of this, he’s kind of that’...

He’s got associations with Bush and you know what? You’re right. We do need to be careful with that.

But let me tell you something. Let me tell you something about John Bolton: John Bolton is someone who once said that we should get rid of the top ten floors of The United Nations building. We’re also getting rid of the Obama hold-overs on the national security council - gone.

Ambassador Bolton is a hawk, alright?

Let’s make no aspersions about this.

He’s a hawk, he’s definitely a hawk. OK?

But that being the case, we know where he’s coming from. He’s straight forward, he’s not a snake in the grass. He’s pro Trump. He’s 100% pro-Trump.

And, he was out there every single day for the President.

He is not for these international, global organizations - no. He is pro-Trump, he is pro-America.

Remember, John Bolton has said that he is against the Iran Deal, John Bolton has said that he’s against TPP, John Bolton is against so many of these international deals.

He’s advocated for a more aggressive stance with North Korea, with China, with Iran with all of these countries, alright?

Related: US Navy Information Dominance Warfare: the question is

Related: Trump gained The US Presidency through a pledge to YKW to undo Iran Deal: that promise he’s materializing.

Tech Crunch, “John Bolton is Trump’s new National Security Advisor”, 22 Mar 2018:

With one fell swoop, President Trump just swapped out the “warrior scholar” for the warmonger.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Tweet:

I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18, @AmbJohnBolton will be my new National Security Advisor. I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.

1:26 PM - Mar 22, 2018

Today Trump tweeted that General H.R. McMaster will step down as John Bolton, a deeply controversial former U.S. ambassador, steps into the role of national security advisor. Bolton will move into the high-ranking foreign policy advisor position just as the U.S. is approaching talks with North Korea, an extremely delicate diplomatic maneuver between two volatile leaders.

Last month, Bolton argued the legal case for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea — an extreme position in which even the best case scenario could result in broad carnage for the U.S. and its allies.

Bolton established his extreme and hawkish reputation during his tenure as the undersecretary of state for arms control during the Bush administration. In that advisory position, Bolton argued strongly in favor of the Iraq war, tying his justification to the supposed presence of weapons of mass destruction.

If most people could agree that McMaster was a respectable choice for national security advisor, just as many seem to oppose Bolton becoming a prominent figure in shaping Trump’s foreign policy. When Bolton’s name was floated just after the election, Republican Senator Rand Paul penned an op-ed denouncing Bolton as “hell-bent on repeating virtually every foreign policy mistake the US has made in the last 15 years.”

While McMaster was sometimes characterized as a cautious futurist, Bolton’s record on tech is less clear. We’re sure to learn more about the new advisor’s various postures quickly, as Bolton stirs up bipartisan anxiety around U.S. foreign policy, particularly in Iran and North Korea.

After the swift fall of Michael Flynn in early 2017 and the quick appointment of McMaster, Bolton will become Trump’s third national security advisor in less than two years.

Order Member, Gary Yarbrough, Passes Away in U.S. Supermax Penitentiary

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 25 March 2018 06:28.

Order member, Gary Yarbrough, 14 Words

Gary Lee Yarbrough, 62, passed away early Monday morning at the United States Penitentiary, Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence, Colorado, a facility best known as Supermax.

His wife, Susan Hillman Yarbrough, confirmed the death in a Facebook post to the group “Freedom for Gary Yarbrough.”

Yarbrough, who was scheduled for release from prison on October 28, 2024, was one of three surviving members of The Order incarcerated in federal prison.

He spent 35 years in federal custody.

On the “Right Voice” show of 4 April 2018, his widow Susan said he was never treated for cataracts and was blind at his death, dying of liver cancer in a hospice.

In 2014 he should have been paroled but it was rejected because other people were posting things online about him! This meant he was “associating with white nationalists!”

The others, 66-year-old Randolph George Duey, and 70-year-old Richard Scutari, are scheduled for release from prison in 2043 and 2025, respectively.

Another member of The Order, 55-year-old David Tate, is serving life in prison at Southeast Correctional Center in Charleston, Missouri. He was convicted of fatally shooting a state trooper in 1985.

Yarbrough had been ill in recent months as he pushed for parole from federal prison, but his efforts kept failing because of his alleged ties to white supremacist groups. While he publicly disavowed any association with the groups, White separatists continued to push his cause and claim allegiance to him.

Arkansas White Nationalist, Billy Roper, who claims a long association with Yarbrough, posted updates about Yarbrough on the alt-right social media site Gab, saying on Saturday that the inmate’s family was visiting him at the prison hospice.

“He is calm and brave to the end,” Roper wrote.

Susan Yarbrough wrote on a blog and Facebook that Gary Yarbrough was diagnosed with cancer and likely didn’t have long to live.

In the last letter his wife posted on a blog, Gary Yarbrough talked of his remains being placed at a memorial cairn — a mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark, typically on a hilltop or skyline — in Texas.

Yarbrough, the one-time security chief for Aryan Nations, wrote that dirt from the graves of Robert Jay Mathews, the founder of The Order, and David Eden Lane, the spiritual and intellectual backbone of the group, would be placed at the memorial, also.

“More details will follow after my passing over these bars to the stars,” Yarbrough wrote.


Five members of a racist, right-wing group that purportedly sought to overthrow the United States Government were sentenced today to prison terms ranging from 40 to 100 years.

The members of the neo-Nazi group, the Order, were convicted under a Federal antiracketeering statute. Federal investigators had accused the group of carrying out a series of violent acts, including murder and armored car robberies, in an attempt to bring about a racist revolution.

One of the five defendants, Gary Lee Yarbrough, 30 years old of Sandpoint, Idaho., told Federal District Judge Walter T. McGovern that no matter what happened in court today, the movement would grow. ‘‘Blood will flow and it grieves me,’’ he said.

Mr. Yarbrough said he and his fellow defendants had been convicted in ‘‘a political trial’’ conducted by ‘‘a greedy, corrupt system.’’ He called himself ‘‘just a common man, worldly dumb but spiritually wise.’’ Charges Against Defendants

All five defendants were convicted of racketeering and conspiracy charges revolving around armored car robberies here and in California.


‘EU laws forced Italy to pick up migrants and forbade them to send them back’

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 March 2018 06:00.

Forza Nuova USA, “‘EU laws forced Italy to pick up migrants and forbade them to send them back”, 20 Mar 2018:

French writer and political journalist, Eric Zemmour, talks about Europe’s East-West divide and the effects of World War II in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro.

Later in the interview Zemmour explains how the European Union has prevented Italy from defending itself during the migrant crisis. According to him Italy (its natives and their land) wasn’t abandoned (by Italian coast guard), but European jurisprudence forced the country to take migrants and forbade them to send them back:

Kevin MacDonald Vs Nathan Cofnas On Culture Of Critique

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 March 2018 07:10.

In his defense of group evolutionary strategy, KM has done better in articulating the biological aspect of out-marriage as part of the group systemic strategy - both in infiltrating and weakening other group’s cohesion. Jewish group evolutionary strategy uses both top down directives and (prescriptive) rule structures, and bottom up biological patterns and (descriptive) rule structures.

The Jewish group evolutionary system/strategy is characteristically that Cohen’s give Zionist and/or ultra loyalist directives and Ashkenazi (especially Ashkenazi) are more free and prone to out-breed, infiltrate, liberalize, weaken opposing groups in their evangelizing as “light unto the gentiles.”

According to Jewish convert, Luke Ford, Cofnas has presented the first serious challenge against Kevin MacDonald’s work, “so effective as to call its validity into question entirely.”

One does not have to have but a passing acquaintance with MacDonald’s work and his concern to know that to call its validity into question entirely or even in large part, simply is not possible. Nor do they have to look beyond the absurdity of Ford’s claim that Cofnas does such “irreparable damage” to MacDonald’s efforts to see immediately that Ford’s pro-Jewish bias is over-the-top; and examples cited of Nathan Cofnas’s supposedly detached analysis, indicate rather clearly a heavy pro-Jewish bias, motivated and prone to crude straw manning of MacDonald’s work.

Anyway, this is the first public defense by MacDonald of this “first serious academic critique of ‘The Culture of Critique.”

Me ne frego - episode 22, with Kevin MacDonald

Professor Kevin MacDonald joins the show to discuss Nathan Cofnas’s recent paper, ‘Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy: A Critical Analysis of Kevin MacDonald’s Theory’, which is the first ever academic attempt to refute Professor MacDonald’s theory as presented in his 1998 book, The Culture of Critique. The first 45 minutes are in English; after the music break we wrap it up in Swedish.


Cambridge Analytica: data, dirty tricks, the alt right, Trump and collusion with Israel

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 March 2018 06:11.

Best Documentary yet on the Cambridge Analytica scandal:

Cambridge Analytica Uncovered: Part 1, Secret filming reveals election tricks

Democracy, data and dirty tricks: the self proclaimed digital masterminds (Cambridge Analytica) who may have swayed an American election:

So there you have it, democracy, data and dirty tricks:

The self proclaimed digital masterminds (Cambridge Analytica) who may have swayed an American election….

Cambridge Analytica: Part 2, Undercover Secrets of Trump’s Data Firm


Representing women as integral to ethnonationals contra imperialism, Anna dies fighting for Kurd YPJ

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 06:03.

Anna died fighting for left nationalism as it is the natural form of ethnonationalism - representing the full class of a nation’s people; including women as represented by the YPJ division in which she fought. The YPJ/G share our fight for ethnonational sovereignty against imperial supremacism and exploitation.

Guardian, “British woman killed fighting Turkish forces in Afrin”, 19 Mar 2018:

Anna Campbell believed to be the first British woman to die alongside Kurdish forces in Syria

British woman fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Afrin, northern Syria, has been killed, Kurdish commanders said

Anna Campbell, from Lewes, East Sussex, was volunteering with the US-backed Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) – the all-female affiliate army of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) – in the besieged city of Afrin when the convoy she was travelling in was struck by a Turkish missile on 16 March.

Sources say the 26-year-old initially travelled to Syria to join the Kurdish struggle against Islamic State, but begged her Kurdish commanders to send her to the Afrin front after Turkey launched a ground and air offensive to oust Kurdish forces from its borderlands in January.

“They refused at first, but she was adamant, and even dyed her blonde hair black so as to appear less conspicuous as a westerner,” a YPJ source told the Guardian.

“Finally they gave in and let her go.”

She is not only the first British woman killed fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, but also the first Briton to die there since Turkey launched its incursion into Kurdish-held territory on 20 January.

In a statement to the Guardian on Sunday, YPJ commander and spokesperson Nesrin Abdullah said: “[Campbell’s] martyrdom is a great loss to us because with her international soul, her revolutionary spirit, which demonstrated the power of women, she expressed her will in all her actions … On behalf of the Women’s Defence Units YPJ, we express our deepest condolences to [her] family and we promise to follow the path she took up. We will represent her in the entirety of our struggles.”

Her father, Dirk Campbell, described her as a “beautiful and loving daughter” who “would go to any lengths to create the world that she believed in”.

“Anna was very idealistic, very serious, very wholehearted and wanted to create a better world. She wasn’t fighting when she died, she was engaged in a defensive action against the Turkish incursion.”

Syria’s new exiles: Kurds flee Afrin after Turkish assault

In recent months Turkey has shifted its focus from fighting Isis in Syria to preventing the YPG from establishing a foothold along its border, arguing that the YPG is linked to its own insurgent group, the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK). The US, EU and Britain, however, do not consider the YPG a terrorist group, which it has supported in its fight against Isis since 2014.

Dirk Campbell said his daughter had dedicated her life to the fight against “unjust power and privilege”.

He said she was a committed human rights and environmental campaigner who would “put herself on the line for what she believed in”.

“It seems a small thing, but I remember when she was 11, she protected a bumblebee from being tormented by other kids at school,” he recalled. “She did it with such strength of will that they ridiculed her. But she didn’t care. She was absolutely single-minded when it came to what she believed in, and she believed what Turkey is doing is wrong.”

He said his daughter’s passion for campaigning was inspired by her mother, Adrienne, who was well-known on the south of England’s activism scene and died of breast cancer five years ago. “Anna was a credit to her mum, my wife, and was carrying on a lot of the kind of work that she was doing,” he added.

Campbell told her father of her plans to travel to northern Syria last May after she heard about the grassroots feminist and socialist revolution that has swept Rojava (the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of northern Syria and heartland of the YPG/J) and inspired the Kurds’ fight against Isis.

“I didn’t try to stop her,” Mr Campbell said. “Because I knew, once she had decided to do something, she was unstoppable. That’s why she went to Rojava: to help build a world of equality and democracy where everyone has a right to representation. When she told me she was going I joked: ‘It’s been nice knowing you.’ I just knew it might be the last time I’d see her.”

Upon arrival in Rojava, Campbell completed the YPJ’s mandatory month-long military training course, in which new recruits learn basic Kurdish, weaponry and battlefield tactics on top of a crash course in the egalitarian and feminist ideology of the YPG/J, and was assigned to an infantry division, comprising a mix of Kurdish and international fighters. There she was given the nom-de-guerre Helîn Qerecox and sent to the front.

YPJ sources said she spent her first months in the country fighting in Deir ez-Zor, Isis’s last major stronghold and scene of the jihadist group’s bitter last stand. But with Isis now on the brink of defeat, foreign fighters within Kurdish ranks have faced a choice: return home or remain in Syria to help the YPG repel Turkey’s attack.

“After the initial attacks on Afrin, comrade Helîn insisted on joining the operation to defend Afrin,” said Abdullah. “Before leaving, she had already received her military training, and, although we wanted to protect her and did not agree with her decision … she incessantly insisted on her wish to leave for Afrin. She even gave us a condition: ‘Either I will go home and abandon the life as a revolutionary or you send me to Afrin. But I would never leave the revolution, so I will go to Afrin’.”

She added: “For us, as the YPJ, comrade Helîn will always be a symbol as a pioneering internationalist woman. We will live up to her hope and beliefs. We will forever pursue her aim to struggle for women, for oppressed communities.”

Mark Campbell, activist and co-chair of the Kurdistan Solidarity Campaign, added: “Anna, by all accounts, was taken deep into the heart of the Kurdish people as she stood side by side with them in their darkest hour. Our thoughts and condolences are with Anna’s family and friends as this time.”

Campbell is believed to be the eighth British citizen killed while serving with Kurdish forces in Syria.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 06 Apr 2024 11:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 06 Apr 2024 11:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 06 Apr 2024 11:47. (View)

Badger commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 06 Apr 2024 06:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 22:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 22:27. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 20:02. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 13:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 23:37. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 11:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 11:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 11:09. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 05:03. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 03:28. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 03:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Wed, 03 Apr 2024 23:12. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Wed, 03 Apr 2024 22:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Wed, 03 Apr 2024 11:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Tue, 02 Apr 2024 21:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Tue, 02 Apr 2024 00:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:02. (View)

Badger commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sun, 31 Mar 2024 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 23:34. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 22:43. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 17:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 15:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 13:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 13:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 13:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 11:40. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 09:27. (View)

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